How To Clean A Mirror – Step By Step Guide To Make Your Mirror Shine Ramona, January 31, 2023July 3, 2023 Keep your home looking its best by regularly cleaning your bathroom mirrors and other mirrors throughout your home. The buildup of toothpaste splatters, fingerprints, and dust on your mirrors can make them look unflattering. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to clean a mirror effectively. Learn how to clean the mirrors in your bathroom and everywhere else in your house with this step-by-step guide. The streak-free results will delight you.To clean a mirror, what do you need? Here are the supplies you’ll need to clean your mirror: A microfiber clothA glass cleaning clothA squeegeeI highly recommend one of these three glass cleaners:(1) A 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water(2) Sprayaway Glass Cleaner(3) The Pink Stuff Miracle Window and Glass Cleaner Spray With Rose VinegarYou now know what you need to clean your mirror, so follow the steps below to learn how to clean bathroom mirrors and other mirror glass surfaces.Start by wiping down the mirror with a dry cloth or duster.You should start by dusting your mirror with a dry microfiber cloth or a Swiffer Duster to remove dust and dirt. When you dust your mirror regularly, the dust will not stick or cling to it over time.Next, use a damp microfiber cloth to remove any streaks or smears.Sprayaway Glass Cleaner or water and distilled white vinegar can be used after dusting the mirror’s surface. If this is your first time using this cleaner on your mirror, test a small, inconspicuous area before using the cleaner on the entire surface. After a few seconds, wipe it off with a clean cloth. Circular motions should be used when wiping.Plain water can also be used for a quick clean if you don’t have any glass cleaner on hand; however, water alone is not ideal if you want to effectively remove all marks and smudges from your mirror. Using a soft microfiber cloth, wipe away any remaining residue. My opinion is that glass cleaning cloths are the best type of cloth for cleaning glass and mirrors. It is especially recommended to use a glass cleaning cloth for this step. If there is still some residue left, wipe the mirror until it is clean.Squeegees may also help remove any remaining traces of window cleaner. Remove liquids from your mirror with a squeegee by sliding the squeegee from the top to the bottom of the glass. After that, the cleaner should be removed by sliding the squeegee from side to side.To finish, buff and repeat until the mirror appears shiny.Use a dry cloth or a glass cleaning cloth to buff away any remaining water spots or marks on the mirror. Be careful not to damage the finish by rubbing it too hard. When cleaning your mirror, and even after a shower, always dry it completely to prevent rust from forming.Mirrors with hard water spots would require additional steps for removal.How do you remove hard water stains from a mirror?The first step in removing hard water stains from a mirror is to fill a small bucket with equal parts of white vinegar and water. Wring out the rag after dipping it into the solution. Next, wipe the vinegar mixture over the stained area of the mirror. Let the solution sit and marinate on the mirror for a couple of seconds before wiping it off. Repeat the process until the mirror is completely free of hard water stains.You can also use this vinegar solution to remove oil from mirrors in addition to hard water stains. How to clean a mirror with toothpaste:Additionally, I’ve heard that some people use toothpaste to clean their mirrors. Although I’ve never this cleaning method, to clean a mirror with toothpaste, follow these five steps, according to (1) Start by squeezing a small amount of toothpaste onto a clean cloth. (2) Apply toothpaste evenly to the mirror with the cloth. (3) Let the toothpaste sit on the mirror for 30 minutes. (4) The mirror should be rinsed with a damp cloth.(5) Dry and shine the mirror by wiping and buffing it with a clean, dry cloth.Read More: Discover more cleaning product recommendations by checking out the article, “The Best Cleaning Supplies For Cleaning Services.“Share this:PrintEmailTweetRedditShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading... Related Cleaning cleaninghow to cleanhow to clean a mirrormirror cleaning
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